Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Reading

Her legs drew my attention. They were covered in lacy spidery tights. My glance rose higher noting that she had on a black cotton dress with a white print on the skirt. The two didn't go together from my persepctive. Moving my eyes up I noticed her braided hair falling onto the book she was reading, "G - Spot" caught my eye. An erotic novel. My eyes travelled down the seat to the woman next to her. She was nicely put together in a red suit, hair well groomed. She was reading "Shark" something, another erotic novel. The third women directly to my right, was less well dressed. Overweight, wearing a tee shirt and jeans, she too was reading what appeared to be an erotic novel based on the cover of two people locked in an embrace."I'm up to six," G-Spot lady said to Shark lady. "Oooh, keep going, it keeps getting better," I heard Shark lady respond. Now, I'm no prude. I remember reading Temple of Gold or something like that during choir practice. My sixteen year old daughter asked me about the G-Spot lately, where is it exactly she wanted to know. Now that I know there's a whole book devoted to it, I'll have to recommend it. But, reading erotica so openly on the subway? Before work? It's going to be a hot day in the office!

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