Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Laps are for Babies and Other Small Personal Possessions

It amazes me how parents are totally oblivious to the discomfort of others when their small children are involved. Courtesy goes right out the window when junior wants to look out the window and take space that could be otherwise used for the elderly, or generally older, tired people.

I was riding the M104 bus on Sunday. It was one of those new-fangled busses with the raised rear seats that no one ever wants to climb the steps to rear and everyone crowds in the front.  Whoever designed these busses was clearly a sadist fantasizing about injuries at their hand.

On this particular afternoon there were many elderly people boarding the bus. I bravely pushed my way through the packed bodies and climbed the stairs, holding on to the bars so as not to lurch forward as the bus halts for a red light to avoid falling flat on my face. On my way to the back I couldn't help but notice two parents with their two tiny children taking up four seats. They were playing games with the little darlings while an elderly, white haired man holding a cane stood there more than likely praying that this selfish parent would pick up the overzealous two year old and place her in her lap.   She didn't and neither did her husband sitting two seats behind her.

I recall when my daughter was little. An older woman said to me, "You didn't pay for her seat, so she shouldn't have one."  "Obnoxious old bitch" I thought as I placed my daughter on my lap making room for her to sit.  Her reasoning was wrong, but the intent was there.  Now that I have teenagers, who I have hopefully taught to give up their seat to the elderly, infirm or pregnant, I seethe when I see inconsiderate parents so self absorbed that they don't notice the needs of others around them.

So, if you're reading this, next time you see someone who may need a seat, speak up and offer to put your kid on your lap, or offer your own seat.  Put your purse, shopping bag, etc on your lap.

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