Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lemmings in Manhatten

Bounding down the stairs, happily listening to Jackson Brown on the I-Pod, I stopped short realizing that my timing was off. A #1 Train had just deposited its passengers, now standing five deep waiting for the Express. Grumbling to myself, I made my way down the platform to my usual space and waited as a #2 Express pulled into the station. Already crowded, the lemmings pushed on, their bodies hanging out of the train waiting for the doors to close and seal them in. Yes, I have now classified my fellow riders lemmings rather than roaches. Both creatures scurry, but lemmings are a more apt description...a group following without thought of their safety better describes the scene before me.

No big surprise that another #1 train pulled in and released another load, all scrambling to push themselves into the already packed car. Like a pack of lemmings with tunnel vision peering over the edge of a cliff, they were driven by some instinct to push their sweaty bodies onto the train. Had they only looked down the track and seen the lights of the next Express they could have spared themselves the indignity.

A few stragglers broke from the pack to wait along with me. They too spied the lights illuminating the dark tunnel. The #2 finally closed it doors, cementing the bodies together as they pressed against the steel doors. A nearly empy #3 slid into it's place with seats and standing room. I settled into a seat and breathed a sigh of relief. Ahhh, civilization. What a difference a minute makes!

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